How to Add a New User

You’ve built your Playbooks and now it’s time to add a user or two. PlaybookBuilder keeps it simple yet provides you with all the power to customize the experience.

Please note:

Account Details:
Add the email, phone number, and select or deselect the options for password changes and texting.

Primary Details:
Set their time zone. This will ensure you’re not sending texts or emails when they are sleeping.

Account Role:
Super Admin: This user will be able to edit Playbooks, add users, run reports, and send Alerts, etc.
User: This user will be only able to access content and won’t be able to edit it.

Add your new user to a Team to associate them with a group of users. This is valuable because you can then associate playbooks with Teams, run reports on teams, and send communications to teams.

SAVE and your invite will automatically send an email with a login request to your new user!